General rules for parking in Sweden
You are only allowed to stop or park on the right-hand side of the road in the direction of travel.
You may only park in disabled parking spaces if you have a valid special permit. Without a permit, these spaces may only be used for drop-off or pick-up.
You may not park within twenty meters before or five meters after a bus stop. It is only permitted to stop within this area to drop off or pick up passengers if it can be done without blocking traffic.
You are not allowed to park or stop in a place where you block traffic or pose a danger to others.
General rules for parking in Denmark
You may not stop or park your car in a way that may cause danger or inconvenience to other traffic.
When parking or stopping your car, you may only do so on the right-hand side of the road in the direction of traffic. However, on less busy roads and roads with one-way traffic, stopping or parking is permitted on the left-hand side.
It is not legal to park in front of a property driveway and it will lead to a fine of DKK 1,020. You are also not allowed to park in a way that makes it difficult to drive to or from the property in question.
It is not permitted to park on the roadway on main roads outside densely populated areas.
You may not park within 10 meters of an intersection
Keep in mind that these are only general parking rules and there may be specific rules in different locations. You can read more about Swedish parking regulations at Trafiko and Danish parking regulations at FDM.
At Apcoa, EasyPark and Parkster you'll find plenty of parking spaces around Sweden and at Q-Park, Apcoa and EasyPark you will find plenty of parking spaces around Denmark. Always pay attention to signs on the locations.